
mercredi 9 octobre 2013

'Beyond: Two Souls' Review: An In-Depth Critique

Quantic Dream’s latest is a fascinating game, but it suffers from an identity crisis.

Note: There are many spoilers in this review. Read at your own chosen speed.
I’m glad I’m not giving Beyond: Two Souls a score. It’s one of those games that I think I’d have a hard time assigning a number to.
For one thing, it’s only sort of a video game. It’s not really a movie, either, so it’s hard to qualify. It’s an “interactive” something-or-other. A game, but not particularly comfortable as a game. Much like its main protagonist, it suffers
from an identity crisis.
I knew all this coming in—that it would be less of a game than I’m accustomed to—but I remained open to the idea.
Early on in Beyond, there are a couple vignettes that present some very interesting choices and I was hopeful that even if the gameplay was hamstrung by QTEs (Quick Time Events) and a limited control set, at the very least the choices and story would carry the day.
So we’ll talk about story first.
The life and times of Jodie Holmes, in no particular order.

You play as Jodie, a girl whose life since birth has been one of nightmares and lab experiments. Separated from her mother at birth, raised by adoptive parents who abandon her, and then stuffed in a government lab for the rest of her young life before being whisked off to the CIA, Jodie’s life is anything but normal.
That doesn’t even take into account the invisible “Entity” Aiden (pronounced eye-dun) attached to Jodie since birth. This is the second of the titular “Two Souls” and you play as both Jodie and Aiden as you move through the game (or you can play this cooperatively with a second player, one of you as Jodie and one as Aiden, though I didn’t and likely won’t.)
Just a reminder: There will be spoilers in this section and these spoilers touch on parts of the game from start to finish though I don’t explicitly reveal any of the final moments and revelations.
Beyond: Two Souls is essentially a linear story chopped up and told in a chronologically disjointed series of vignettes. These play out at any point in Jodie’s life from a young girl of five all the way to a woman in her early twenties—so not really her entire life, but a good span of years.

You play as child Jodie, adolescent Jodie, rebellious teenager Jodie, CIA Jodie, and Jodie-on-the-run at various points in the game.

I don’t mind, and sometimes even quite enjoy, stories that use this sort of narrative structure. At points it works well by creating mystery: Why is Jodie on the run? How did she end up homeless? How did she come to live in the lab? It’s fun to play while there’s questions tugging you along.
Unfortunately, many of the mysteries end up being huge letdowns.
Why is Jodie on the run? Because she ditched the CIA after she was lied to about an assassination job and felt betrayed by her new boyfriend. How bland and predictable, surprising only in its lack of surprise. And what a crushing disappointment for me as a player.
I kept hoping that maybe there would be more to the story, or that this was only the first time she went missing and that some other and more exciting betrayal set her running a second time. (Yes, the load-screen timeline betrays when everything takes place, but I was sort of  hoping that was a deception, too.)
Alas, this was the extent of it, and when she finally reunites with the CIA it’s terribly anticlimactic.

The other revelations aren’t much better.
Why does Jodie go to live with Nathan Dawkins (Willem Dafoe) as a child? Because her adoptive father is a cartoonish villain. And you can have Aiden attempt to strangle him if you want. But you can’t kill him. He’ll just yell more cartoonish villain stuff at poor Jodie.
How does she end up homeless? Good question. She’s on the run and, despite her intense training and supernatural powers, she can’t take care of herself. To be honest, I think the entire on-the-run sequence was poorly handled; it had so much potential with so little payout.
Essentially, only one time during this entire ping-ponging story did it make any sense at all to chop the bits up and tell them out of order.
Jodie’s caretaker, Nathan, a brilliant scientist and generally kind man, loses his wife and daughter in a car accident. Jodie uses Aiden to commune with them from beyond when she’s just a little girl, giving Nathan a glimpse of the power of the “Infraworld” and the poison knowledge that he can still communicate with his lost loved ones.
We first saw Jodie use this power in the Homeless vignette earlier on in the game while she’s on the run, when she helped one of the homeless people she bunked with talk to his dead wife. The way this scene sets up the “later” scene with young Jodie and Nathan works quite well. It works even better when you discover toward the end of the game how badly this has ruined Nathan’s grip on reality.

But here we come to another, and perhaps deeper, problem.
Nathan, who goes from likable, compassionate guy to mad scientist by the end of the game, has literally no character development to help bridge the gap. He doesn’t “go crazy” when Jodie is five; he doesn’t seem crazy when she’s fifteen. There is no long arc following Nathan’s slow departure from the realm of the sane. His fall from grace is sudden and awkward and feels forced.
In fact, he doesn’t seem crazy ever in the game until the very end. We’re left furiously trying to suspend our disbelief that this totally normal, friendly guy just snapped behind the scenes at some point because he lost his wife and daughter nearly two decades ago.
Writer/Director David Cage, uses the parlor trick of a “non-linear” story to avoid the heavy lifting it requires to make this character transition believable.
So it goes with much of the rest of the story as well. It feels a little like sleight of hand. Instead of developing any of the characters into fully realized people, we’re given shallow mysteries and equally shallow characters. Instead of following their characters and understanding their motivations, we’re given snapshots and asked to fill in the blanks.
And so the promise of an emotional connection to Jodie largely goes unfulfilled. If this had been a game about Jodie and her young life, I would have been hooked. Easily the  most emotional moments in the game take place as she grows up. A lab experiment gone wrong thanks to Aiden’s unruliness; our first introduction to the monsters under the bed; Aiden messing up a game of dolls; Jodie’s conflicting feelings about her ever-present Entity. These moments are often moving or scary, and they’re mostly wonderful.
Even a scene where Jodie takes revenge (or can take revenge) against a gaggle of mean teenagers at a birthday party—which, let’s be honest here, is pretty derivative stuff—felt strangely satisfying.
But once you’ve left young Jodie behind, there’s much less to love about the game. Aside from the Homeless vignette, which I quite enjoyed, the majority of grown-up Jodie’s scenes are unremarkable at best.
At worst, they’re pretty terrible.

The Navajo vignette, in particular, is simply awful. Maybe it’s because I live right next to the Navajo Reservation and went to school with a bunch of actual Navajo people, but this moment in the game is flat-out bad. Bad writing, bad stereotypes, bad everything.
The Navajo family members are the silliest sort of “noble savages” dressed up in a thin veneer of modernity. The Navajo culture is almost entirely ignored.
At one point, Cage gives us a flashback of tepees burning, despite the fact that the Navajo never lived in tepees.
The elder of the two sons looks more Italian than American Indian, and both boys sound lily white. No trace of the extremely distinct Navajo accent can be heard—and this is a family living deep in the middle of nowhere. The boys speak Navajo, something that’s pretty rare these days among younger generations.
There’s even a moment where the boys take Jodie to a place “no white man’s ever been before” which, honestly, is just the worst sort of nonsense. As if the American government hasn’t been all over indigenous lands. No, in Cage’s bizarre vision of the American Indian, it’s all mysticism and horses and Jodie the white savior.

So we have vignette after vignette. Jodie as a homeless girl, as the white girl who saves the Navajo from their demon, as the CIA assassin, as a runaway on a train, and I keep thinking this will all lead to something big and revelatory and cathartic.
Instead, some time passes apparently, because Jodie has long hair again instead of short, and we learn that her mother has been kept in an asylum for the past twenty-odd years.
We discover that Nathan has gone insane and is going to destroy the world. We realize that CIA boy-toy Ryan Clayton, who has been nothing but an enormous prick the entire game, is actually a good guy, someone Jodie could grow old with if she wanted to—we learn, in other words, that nothing about the people in this game makes any sense or makes us want to get to know them better.
Buying these characters is much harder, in my opinion, than buying into the ludicrous science fiction of the story: The Infraworld, the mostly evil Entities (Aiden is a diamond in the rough in this regard), the Bad Government, the Mad Scientist, the underwater base, and so on and so forth. This sort of campy nerd story can be plenty of fun; it’s just that Cage seems to want us to take it so very seriously, but gives us so very little reason or capacity to do so.
I can enjoy a far-fetched sci-fi drama, but I want real characters to lend meat to its bones. If I’m promised an emotional attachment to the main character, I need more than just emotions. The Last of Us did a far better job of creating layered, realistic characters that you learned to care deeply about and it was a much less emotional story.

Jodie is well-acted by Ellen Page. The voice acting throughout is pretty top-notch, and Page in particular is impressive in her role, though I think the accolades outweigh the actual performance. Being a movie star doesn’t make her a better voice actor than many of the voice actors in other games. It just makes her more famous.
But still a good performance. Unfortunately, the game turns to more parlor tricks to make us feel something for her. She cries over and over and over again. An annoying amount of time is given to Jodie crying—not as a little girl, but as a grown woman.
It’s all very heavy-handed, and misses the better, more subtle emotions we find in Jodie’s younger character.
I write at such length about the game’s story and narrative structure because it really did manage to grab my attention at first.
I was intrigued, emotionally engaged, and fascinated by the story and its mysteries for a good portion of the game.
But all of that melted away into disappointment by the game’s finale. Beyond’s Third Act is not up to par with its opening.
The Epilogue, which gives you some choices about Jodie’s post-adventure life, is a bizarre conglomeration of saccharine-sweet happy ending and doomsday cliff-hanger that betrays one of the most potentially emotionally impacting moments in the story. Like so much of the story, it isn’t bold when it needs to be.
That all may sound harsh, but it’s a harshness born out of admiration. I admire how effective the story was at first; I admire the acting, the motion capture, the lovely graphics; I admire the ambition here, even if I believe it’s an ambition that falls on its face.
So is this a video game or an interactive video-game movie?
I should note: I haven’t yet played Heavy Rain.
I’m one of the few reviewers of Beyond: Two Souls to not have played it, I’m sure, but it’s just one of those games on my ever-growing to-play list that I haven’t gotten around to, in spite of Paul Tassi’s urging.
So I won’t be comparing the two.
Still, I know enough about Heavy Rain (having read about it and watched gameplay of it online) to have had a pretty good idea of what to expect from Beyond going in. I understood the broad strokes and wasn’t surprised by the gameplay.
I knew this wouldn’t be my type of game, of course, but I was prepared to be convinced otherwise. I came here with an open mind, with flexible, if not malleable, opinions. I’ve played and enjoyed The Walking Dead, a very story-driven non-traditional indie game.
I haven’t played Gone Home which, despite it being all the rave, simply looks dreadfully boring to me. But I have some experience in this very broad genre. Like cinematic games that focus too little on mechanics, I find these types of story-driven games lean too far away from what makes gaming fun.
I prefer games that have steady, reliable rules and mechanics from start to finish without much, if any, deviation. Once I can inhabit a game’s mechanics, I gain a sense of freedom that allows me to pay attention to other things going on around me.

A game with reliable rules and mechanics gives its players the freedom to really benefit from visual storytelling, sound queues, and exploration and/or puzzle solving in ways that games with unreliable mechanics simply can’t achieve.
I want to be surprised by the level design or the story in a game, not by the button I’m supposed to push at some random moment. I remember a cut-scene in the recent Tomb Raider reboot that suddenly turned into a Quick Time Event. I nearly missed it, not because it was actually challenging but because it was a cheap shot. This is an example of unreliable game mechanics.
And this is why I think the design logic in Beyond: Two Souls is fundamentally flawed. Not because of preference, but because of the way traditional controls create mechanical immersion.
No game that bases its system on QTEs has reliable mechanics, and immersion always suffers for it. (Indeed, the only games with QTEs that I enjoy, such as Metal Gear Rising: Reveangance, utilize them in a very uniform manner.)
But here, QTEs and the gameplay they create are touted as a core feature: in Beyond you never do the same action twice, so it feels more like “real life.”
In practice, this doesn’t really pan out. In real life I have no expectations of the world around me, but I have very real and reliable expectations about how I move my own self from point A to point B.
Far from being freed from the supposed repetitiveness of more traditional games, Beyond requires that we pay attention to the buttons all the time, much more than in a game where we simply learn the controls so completely that we never even think about them. In a well designed game, controls become an extension of thought, a bodily reaction that’s almost second nature. But that mastery comes after practice and failure.
There is no failure to learn from in Beyond, no consequences with any real impact for the vast majority of your choices, no fight that you can truly lose. You never become immersed in the gameplay itself, and that in turn negatively affects your immersion in the story.

I don’t dislike all the game’s mechanics.
I was actually pleasantly surprised by the combat system. In combat, time slows down and you have to flick the right thumbstick in the direction Jodie is moving in order to successfully dodge or strike or counter, and so forth. This works quite well most of the time, though at points it’s a little difficult to see exactly what Jodie is doing.
Throughout the game, the right thumbstick is your primary action trigger. You use it to open doors, talk to people, and investigate clues. Quick Time Events are usually reserved for chase scenes, climbing, and various other more complicated maneuvers. A laughably basic system of cover/takedown/shoot comprises the game’s military combat vignettes which, to be honest, felt almost out of place in the game.
And finally, Aiden has his own mode where he can knock stuff over, open doors, break windows, choke enemies, and possess people. This can be fun, though mostly it’s fun at first.
Knowing that I’d be playing something in between interactive film and video game going in, I suppose I can’t write off the gameplay mechanics wholesale. But I will say this: I think David Cage is wrong about how video games ought to be made, and what it is about interactivity that deepens our attachment to a character.
Let me explain.
While playing Beyond, and after I’d finished the game, I kept imaging what it would feel like to play with more traditional controls and with a more traditional failure scheme.
Instead of only basic environmental interactions, what if the player had a more fully realized control over Jodie? What if in a shooting sequence, we had to actually aim? What if in a chase sequence, we had real decisions to make about how to get away? What if we weren’t rail-roaded at each and every turn and were given real choices about how to tackle a given conflict or puzzle? What if our gameplay choices were as interesting as our story choices?
Would we be any less likely to connect with Jodie? Would the story be any less poignant?

With Aiden, at first it feels like you have a big choice to make: Will you aid or interfere with Jodie’s life and happiness? Will you be a troublemaker or a helper? How will you interact with the world and what will those interactions mean for the story?
While this lasted, it was my favorite thing about the game. I could, in a sense, play against myself.
But Aiden’s choices are just as false as Jodie’s. Only some guards can be possessed or strangled, only some things can be knocked over—it’s entirely arbitrary. Infuriatingly arbitrary, and of little consequence.
There’s only one way to assassinate the CIA’s target, and when you do you have to kill everyone else in the room. Because the story demands it, even if you as a player don’t. That’s not unusual in a game, but all the false choices make me feel almost less in control than if I were to just watch the events take place. At a certain point, the novelty becomes a gimmick becomes a boring hunt for blue dots and orange-glowing bogies. Lots of games are linear, but lots of games make much smaller promises.
The mechanics of the game don’t bother me in and of themselves, but the lack of actual exploration, choice, and experimentation in the game severely limits it in ways that impact both the story and the gameplay itself.
It is a game of blue and white dots pointing the way to every possible action.
It’s not so much that the actual button-pressing makes you feel passive, it’s that the game gives you no room whatsoever to find your own path. Even the most on-rails shooter out there feels less guided than this game.
And unlike story-driven experiences like The Walking Dead, Beyond: Two Souls never feels like the choices you do make have any lasting consequence. The story is too big, too full of itself, to grand in scope, to ever be truly personal. I think I could forgive its other shortcomings if only I felt like the choices were more important, more stomach-churning.

So I imagine a game that focuses much more on young Jodie, that lets you make real, hard choices and explore both Jodie’s world and her place in that world. I scrub out all the end-of-the-world fireworks. I scrub out the metaphysics and the Big Spiritual Questions and the silly Navajo scene and the Fall from Grace.
I whittle away at the mechanics and carve out a simpler, more standard control scheme that’s easy to learn but hard to master—more importantly, a scheme that you can rely on in the same way you rely on your body to move in a predictable fashion.
I give Aiden free rein to do whatever he wants to the world around him (within range of his leash to Jodie.) Possess any soldier; knock over any item on the desk; and figure out the puzzles on your own. Not a sandbox, really, but a more mechanically open-ended game with a much narrower, more personal focus on Jodie as an individual rather than Jodie as a savior.
That’s the game I’d like to play. A game that promises a deep emotional connection with its main protagonist and tells a profound story based on hard choices, but doesn’t deny that it’s a video game in the first place.

What I don’t understand about the whole “interactive experience” argument is the idea that somehow by stripping away more traditional controls we can achieve a more immersive and emotionally engaging experience; that by surgically removing gaminess from a game we can make it more film-like and thus more poignant.
I don’t buy it.
Sure, The Walking Dead does this pretty well, but I suspect even that game could have had more traditional mechanics without sacrificing the stuff that made it great, without limiting the characters or difficult narrative choices. Actually, I’d prefer The Walking Dead without the QTEs but with the timed choice system.
I admire the story game genre and its ambitions, but on some level, at least from a mechanical or design standpoint, many of its core ideas are simply wrongheaded. We don’t need to make games more like films to make them more emotionally powerful. We just need to make better games.
That might involve making games that are less about killing things and more about story and choice—but it doesn’t mean we need to abandon the concept of direct, active participation in video games. Quite the contrary. The power of games is not just that we interact, but the level of our interaction.
To sum things up….
I liked Beyond: Two Souls in spite of the above critique. It really was nice to play something so different, especially for the first half or so of the game—a good change of pace from Grand Theft Auto V. For much of the game I was intrigued, and I never once considered giving up on it.
What’s more, the graphics are splendid, and some of the faces in particular look extraordinary. The animation is decent, though the motion capture didn’t achieve what I’d hoped and many motions still felt stilted.
The music is lovely and sparse, the perfect accompaniment to the game.
But the story doesn’t hold up under scrutiny especially by the ending, and the philosophy that guides the game’s design decisions is one I that I believe to be both flawed and misguided. You might disagree with me on this, and that’s okay. There’s much to like about Beyond, and many people will no doubt derive great pleasure from the experience. It certainly wasn’t a waste of my time, and it helped me think more deeply about the nature and value of video games.
Still, both a better story and a better game could have been made from the basic building blocks here, and I do hope Cage reins in his ambition and tries his hand at something more personal in the future. Sometimes I really do think a big budget can be the worst thing for creativity.
