
samedi 12 octobre 2013

Tom Hanks reveals cast suffered cuts and bruises while filming Captain Phillips

IN HIS latest film Tom Hanks takes to the high seas in Captain Phillips, a real-life story of the hijacking of a tanker by Somali pirates.

Tom Hanks revealed that filming left the cast battered and bruised [GETTY]
But Tom has revealed that filming the tense thriller left the cast bumped and bruised as they filmed on the open water.
"There were lots of places you could bonk your head," says Tom, 57. "At one point, they built rubber seats for some of the fight scenes, and the rubber seats literally flapped around so they took those out.
"We had a little bit of matting on the steel deck but by and large it's a tiny space and it got pretty physical in there sometimes. We all got cuts and bruises."
