
mardi 12 novembre 2013

Clinton to Obama: Keep ObamaCare promise, let Americans 'keep what they got'

Former President Bill Clinton delivers a speech at Richmond Community High School in Richmond, Va. on Sunday, Oct. 27, 2013.(AP)
Bill Clinton, in an unusually blunt critique of the sitting president, said President Obama should live up to his promise to Americans that if they like their health plans, they can keep them. 

The former president weighed in on the roiling controversy about health plan cancellations during an interview with the site The current president recently apologized to the public for the millions of cancellation notices that are going out -- despite him assuring Americans that, under ObamaCare, they could keep their coverage if they want. 
For Clinton, the apology doesn't cut it. 
"So I personally believe, even if it takes a change to the law, the president should honor the commitment the federal government made to those people and let them keep what they got," Clinton said. 
Clinton defended the health care law as a whole, but explained how the broken promise on health coverage can hurt young people. He relayed the story of a young man who said his individual market plan was canceled and replaced with one whose premiums were twice as high. Though his deductibles and co-pays were lower, that savings is only realized if he gets sick, Clinton explained. 
Clinton's comments could cause problems for Obama, who has resisted any major changes to the law. Obama, in explaining the cancellation notices, has clarified that under ObamaCare, policies could be canceled if they had been altered in any way since the passage of the law. 
That nuance was not included in the president's initial explanations. 
House Republicans, as well as some Senate Democrats, are now planning legislation that would indeed allow people losing their current coverage to keep their plans. The House is planning to vote on its measure on Friday. 
The administration argues that while some are losing their current coverage, those plans will be replaced by better-quality insurance. The flip side is that they could be more expensive.
