Wounded: Len Schulz, 65, served in Vietnam and has received an Order of Australia honour for his work with veterans. Photo: Kate Geraghty
I slept with a cocked and loaded pistol under my pillow and a rifle under my bed. We had one rule - if you woke up and saw someone in your room, you shot first and asked questions later.
Paul McCarthy, 49, was a commissioned officer and infantryman in the Royal Air Force Regiment of the Royal Air Force until his medical discharge in August last year. He joined as an enlisted gunner in 1983 and had a 30-year career. ''Being a soldier is all I ever wanted to do,'' he says.
McCarthy had many operational tours: to Northern Ireland, the Middle East, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Balkans and a United Nations peace-enforcing tour in Liberia.
The UN and Australian Defence Force send minimally armed forces to monitor, observe and enforce the emerging peace between two parties recently at war, either opposed nations or internal factions. Sometimes peacekeeping results in death.
It was only three weeks into McCarthy's six-month tour of Liberia when a crowd of about 300 to 500 rioters had begun to gather in a small street in Monrovia. The air was consumed with humidity. The beeping of car horns could be heard from streets away. The crowd appeared to grow. It looked like a swarming cloud of ash. That was when the piercing screams started.
McCarthy had been deployed on his own to monitor the situation and liaise with units on the ground. He approached the rioters and made out the shapes of machetes. The crowd had been infiltrated by a number of individuals. They were hacking the rioters to death. McCarthy fired warning shots but they had no effect.
As he was getting ready to shoot those carrying out the killing, a Nigerian officer told him the crowd would start attacking his unit if he opened fire and he should withdraw.
McCarthy would be left alone to defend himself. That would be his death warrant. He had two clear thoughts racing through his head - save them or save myself to report back on what I had observed. The decision was made easier as the screams stopped. They were all dead. So McCarthy holstered his pistol; turned around and walked away.
"You are putting someone in a situation who is trained to kill,'' he says. ''There is nothing more frustrating than being in a situation where you can see something like the slaughter of innocents taking place in front of you and you know the only way to stop that from happening is to shoot those who are carrying out the slaughter. But your rules of engagement say you cannot do it. No words can describe the sense of frustration and anger you feel when you see a situation like that. It is very hard to live with yourself after that."
No soldier goes into the army with the express intention to kill someone. But that is what is required of soldiers. They must use their training. They ultimately must "close and kill". It is ingrained in all armed forces. Written in the small print.
Medals are proudly pinned to the pockets of blazers. The fallen are honoured, the living remember. The wreaths are laid, the Last Post is played and the national flag waves. Hundreds of children line the streets of Sydney. They may not understand the full meaning of this day but the Anzac legend lives on in the families of those who have served. Tom Avery, 92, marches alongside his friend of more than 70 years, Joe Warrick. This day symbolises the strong and unbreakable bond: "Our friendship will never die." Despite the time that has passed, Avery still recalls his service during World War II.
Avery served in Papua New Guinea as a tank driver in the 2/6th Armoured Regiment of the Australian Imperial Force. Avery enlisted in the army in 1941 and fought in Port Moresby, Milne Bay, Buna, Sanananda, Cape Endaiadere, Simemi Creek and Giropa Point.
"We thought it would be an adventure," Avery says. These words were indicative of thousands of young starry-eyed soldiers. They wanted to fight for their country. With the outbreak of World War II, these 20-something boys could not wait to experience the war. They desired adventure, had a strong sense of duty and were raised learning about the proud Australian military heritage. But they soon learnt the harsh realities.
The howling sirens reverberate through the dense rainforest. The barrage of bombs begins. The shouts of commanders are barely heard. The men instinctively grab their rifles. They start running but their boots become bogged down in the mud and slush. The pelting rain hits their steel helmets. They know the enemy is there but they cannot see them. "You didn't know what to expect," recalls Avery. They had not been trained to fight in New Guinea.
The allied forces were an integral component of the New Guinea offensives of 1943-44. These assaults were the single largest series of connected operations Australian soldiers ever conducted. The tens of thousands of combatant troops fought against an unwavering enemy, in rugged terrain in an appalling climate with the constant threat of disease.
Some, like Avery, had the security of the armoured tank. Small artillery fire could not penetrate this intimidating weapon. But the tank was very difficult to manoeuvre in the rough and hilly terrain. The tanks would support the ground troops, firing at the tops of the coconut trees where the Japanese enemy were hiding. The stench of sweat dripped from men who were enclosed in the cramped cabin of the tank. The temperature could reach 150 degrees. If they managed to survive the heat then they had to contend with the constant threat of malaria and rampant dysentery. The soldiers were constantly facing death. Avery quietly recalls one particular afternoon when he was routinely filling up his tank with petrol. It started in the distance but slowly the explosions grew louder and closer. This was a daily occurrence. The Japanese had air supremacy. As Avery and his mate were walking up a small hill, the radio and siren signalled their imminent death. The only reason Avery is still alive is because his friend grabbed his arm and pulled him over the other side of the hill. The bomb dropped exactly where they had just been standing. The shrapnel whizzed past his ear: "It would have cut us in half." Avery owes his life to his friend.
The soldiers crush the brown leaf litter beneath their large boots. Drops of water are flicked from trees as each soldier passes. As they continue to walk, they try to find their bearings. Every boulder or stump looks the same in this dense Vietnamese jungle. They fire a first round at a tree and then move two clicks to the left to establish their position. Then they fire the second and third rounds. A small humming sound cuts through the air. Then the screams of the wounded begin. Legs and arms are no longer attached to bodies. The wails of pain continue.
A mortar bomb was dropped by the North Vietnamese enemy 20 metres from an Australian platoon. The section commander yells: "You all right Schulzy? Because you have blood pissing out of your ears." That was the longest night of Len Schulz's life. The unimaginable terror as artillery fire continued: "I screamed like a little bloody duck."
Schulz, 65, is the president of Ryde City Veterans sub-branch of the Vietnam Veterans Association. He was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia in 2007 for his work with veterans. Schulz served 13 months with a transport platoon in Phoc Tuy province in South Vietnam. He drove trucks carrying troops and ammunition into remote parts of the jungle.
But Schulz will always feel like a coward. He was removed from his first platoon the next morning. That night will stay with him forever. Schulz believes it will always be a monkey on his back saying: "You're a failure." It was not until his work with veterans that he felt he could make amends.
Australia's involvement in the Vietnam War spanned 1962 to 1973. Almost 60,000 Australians served in Vietnam. As a result of the war, 521 Australian personnel died and more than 3000 were wounded. Initially, there was war fever, with many men eager to enlist. Schulz was rejected from the army three times due to his lack of education. He eventually transferred from the Citizens Military Force into the army. Schulz, like Avery, felt that fighting in the war for his country was the "right thing to do; to help fight the country's enemy". The domino threat of communism was running rampant. The war was supposed to be an adventure in an all-boys club.
By 1969, anti-war protests were gathering support in Australia, driven by university students. More people began to oppose conscription and the war as they realised it could not be won. The Moratorium marches of 1970-71 gathered more than 200,000 protesters across Australia. The Vietnam War is synonymous with social and political dissent. As a result, the returning soldiers were met with a hostile reception.
The signs of "Baby Killers" and "Killing for Love" written in red paint will forever be etched in Schulz's memory. The shouts of protest and the insults will always haunt him. "It makes you wonder what you have been doing for the past 13 months. You've had your body ripped apart, shot at and you can't help but ask yourself, was it worth it?"
Despite his continuing internal struggle, Schulz formed a lifelong friendship with two men he met the first day he joined. "Those two blokes are the closest people I have ever known." The pride is still present in his voice when he talks about his mates.
Schulz's bond with his army brothers goes beyond that of regular friends. He recalls the day when his best mate, Graham Edwards, stepped on a mine. His heart started to beat faster. His knees weakened. He fell to the ground at the exact second Edwards lost both his legs. He was 30 kilometres away. Schulz just knew. "When you come back from war, there is a bond and I know it's a cliche´ but it's like a band of brothers."
The run. The kilometres. The pain. For new recruit into the Australian Defence Force Aaron Sillato, 19, the army is all he has wanted to do since he was a child. Sillato has been accepted as a rifleman and is waiting to be medically cleared before he begins his basic training.
Sillato's months of preparation have been consumed by endurance and strength training. "I guess I am looking forward to the fitness, friendship and lifestyle the army has to offer." He has almost reached his goal. Sillato has come a long way from running around in army clothes in the bush with his brothers to almost beginning his training. "I can't see myself doing anything else." Sillato, like many others serving in various conflicts around the world, wants the armed forces to be his career.
The ADF lives by the mantra: "We fight as part of a team and are inspired by the Anzac tradition of fairness and loyalty to our mates." This symbolises the epitome of soldiers' stories. Despite more than 60 years' difference between World War II and now, the values for enlisting are still the same: adventure, defending Australia and friendship.
The arenas of war may change. From World War II to Vietnam to Afghanistan and to basic training, soldiers still have to make the decision to "close and kill". Sillato says: "Yes, I am definitely mentally and physically prepared but it is hard to say if I could actually kill someone." However, this is the reality of war. Soldiers are now defending Australia as others have sacrificed their lives for decades. But ultimately they will need to use their cocked and loaded rifles to kill someone.
Perhaps their duty to kill for their country binds them together. Perhaps it is their shared understanding of how war can both brutalise and ennoble those it touches. Wars and conflicts may change, but soldiers will always share an unbreakable bond.
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/national/lest-we-forget-from-tanks-to-the-taliban-and-beyond-20131110-2x9ot.html#ixzz2kL0khNdd