
lundi 4 novembre 2013

The X Factor 2013 results, week 4 – Big shock as Tamera Foster lands in the bottom two but Kingsland Road go home

X Factor - Kingsland Road could never have beaten Tamera, right?
Tamera found herself in the bottom two in Sunday’s The X Factor (Picture: ITV)
Wow! Did we see that coming? Tamera Foster in the bottom two with Kingsland Road in The X Factor’s Sunday sing off. The boys did their best but Kingsland Road came to a dead end as far as the show was concerned.

They sung well, but Tamera would have had to seriously fluff her version of Whitney Houston’s I Have Nothing to have been given the boot. She nailed it.
There was no flash vote this week. Blame Nile Rogers. There apparently wasn’t time for it on Saturday because of his three song medley.
Really? Nothing else that could have been cut then to make room for the biggest change of the format this year?
All of which meant that the bottom two were announced at the same time. Oh well, at least it meant that one act didn’t have to sweat it out overnight knowing they’d be singing for their life.
Joint song that opened proceedings this week was Shalamar’s disco classic Let’s Make This a Night to Remember. First on the vocals was Tamera who, if we’ll insist on using the ready-made pop star tag, sounds just that – far superior than any other act this year. Sam Bailey, Rough Copy and Hannah Barrett are her best competition.
Definitely not her competition is Sam Callahan. Backstage montage revealed he knows he’s not Gary’s favourite. Gary told him last night that ‘every one else is so much better than you’ which reading between the lines means he’s the worst, right?
Kingsland Road and Sam C were generally agreed to be making up the bottom two when the judges were asked for their thoughts, and it was hard to disagree.
Little Mix, winners in 2011, and Taylor Swift feat Gary Lightbody provided the preamble before the sing off. After Lady Gaga last week these were thumb twiddling, tea making opportunities.
Little Mix, X Factor winners in 2011, were back (Picture: Rex)
Sam Callahan was the first act to make it through when Dermot read out the results. So, ‘meh’ to Gary. Good for Sam, it can’t be easy for a 19 year old to hear he’s the worst, live on TV.
We were left with Kingsland Road, Abi Alton and Tamera Foster before we went to an ad break.
It was never going to be Tamera. Never ever, so if I was Abi I’d have started practicing my scales at this point.
What, what, what? It was Tamera in the bottom two? Seriously?
Could Kingsland Road pull it off with a belter and land the biggest shock of the series?
Nope. Judges apart from Gary (understandably) sent Kingland Road home. They probably had more to give, but we now know what Tamera is really made off and singing under even greater pressure can only make her a better singer.
Gary, still reeling, would like to remind us, however, that this is a singing competition.
I’d like to remind Gary of Jedward. Good night.
