
mercredi 29 janvier 2014

Are New York and New Jersey Bailing Out The Super Bowl Ticket Market?

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On the Monday following Conference Championship Sunday, it seemed as if this year’s Super Bowl tickets would be among the most expensive in recent years. The NFL had gone out on a limb and selected MetLife Stadium as the venue for the first open-air, cold weather SuperBowl in history.   In the months leading up to the playoffs, the sports world had made it a fait accompli that XLVIII was destined to be the most expensive Super Bowl in history.  In the week before the conference championships, prices rose 16% to an average 0f $4,49 on the secondary market.  If the market had stopped there, it would have made SuperBowl tickets this year more expensive than any in the last five years.

The market, however, did not stop there.  Instead, it began to drop, and quickly turned into a panicked sell-off as snow fell all week and a wintery mix scared away would-be buyers. Brokers themselves didn’t help with their media proclamations that we could be headed for cheapest Super Bowl in history.  That decline continued throughout the week, but as temperatures thawed over the weekend, and the cheapest ticket broke the $1,500 threshold, buyers started to nibble.  By Monday, tickets were selling briskly, and as of this afternoon, the current average list price for tickets is up 2.68% from yesterday. The least expensive tickets on the market are up 7%.

While the New York tri-state is one of the most expensive regions in the country, with it’s proximity to Wall Street, it’s also familiar with the dynamics of a market crash, as well the mechanics of a bail out.  While Colorado and Washington have been active participants in the recent bump, based on traffic to, the majority of the uptick in demand has not been driven by Broncos or Seahawks fans, but by people who live and work in New York City. Colorado and Washington are not even amongst the three states with the most visits to TiqIQ’s Super Bowl page in the last week.  Over that time frame, New York leads the way with 37% of visits, followed by New Jersey with 33%  and Connecticut with 10%.
With continued fears of inclement weather and talk of contingency plans being bandied about, some Broncos and Seahawks fans may have gotten, well, cold feet. New Yorkers, on the other hand, seem to have spotted value. Without the need for travel and a hotel, Tri-staters can check a Super Bowl off of their bucket list and not even miss a day of work.   With all it’s financial saavy and household income, it seems that New York is leading the closest thing we may ever see to a Super Bowl Ticket market bailout.
Below is a day-by-day breakdown of Super Bowl ticket prices:
DateAvg PriceGet-in Price
